Creating botanical illustrations.

I has always been intrigued by the flora posters that hang on the walls in my school. They were very illustrative yet beautiful, and in the same time informative. They were hand drawn pictures showing the details and the characteristics of flowers.

I was not very good at drawing flowers myself. Or painting woodland art. But I knew how to take pictures. And over the years I have learned up to a point where I could create these botanical illustrations from my pictures. Below I will tell you how I create my botanical illustrations.

  • Botanical Illustrations

    Portraits of the beautiful flowers from the flora in Sweden. A story how the art is made. From finding the flowers, how they are photographed and finally edited into fine art prints.

  • Gems of the Woodland

    It can take some time. Be patient and look around you. The trees, stones and the surrounding wilderness will present itself.
    When it does you are rewarded.

  • Black Background

    A black background make the colors pop.

    Colours and forms are emphasized by contrast.